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Featured Product Collection

Dressage Principles and Techniques: A blueprint for the serious rider by Major Miguel de Lancastre e Tavora
Sale Equestrian Art: The Collected Later Works by Master Nuno Oliveira (Collector's Edition)
Lessons in Lightness 2019 Expanded Edition by Mark Russell with contributions by Jillian Kreinbring M. S.
The Rider Forms the Horse: function and development of the muscles of the riding horse
Collection or Contortion: The Anatomy and Biomechanics of Positioning and Bending by Gerd Heuschman DVM
Training with Nuno Oliveira - "The Basics" and "Advanced Work" - 2 DVD set
Sale Equestrian Art: The Collected Early Writings (1951-1956) by Master Nuno Oliveira
Dressage Principles Illuminated Expanded Edition by Charles de Kunffy
Sale Gymnasium of the Horse by Gustav Steinbrecht
Sale My Horses Have Something to Say by David De Wispelaere
Sale Releasing the Jaw, Poll, and Neck: More Lessons in Lightness with Mark Russell - DVD -
Ecole de Cavalerie Part II EXPANDED, Complete Ed. w. Appendix a.k.a. School of Horsemanship
Gymnasium of the Horse by Gustav Steinbrecht HARDCOVER Collector's Edition Fully footnoted
Sale The WISDOM of Master Nuno Oliveira by de Coux
Sale 30 Years with Master Nuno Oliveira by Michel Henriquet translated by Hilda Nelson
'To Amaze the People with Pleasure and Delight' by Elaine Walker
Schooling Exercises In-Hand: Working Towards Suppleness and Confidence by Oliver Hilberger
Alexis-Francois L'Hotte: The Quest for Lightness in Equitation Hardcover – contains full translation of L’Hotte’s “Questions Equestre”
Classical Dressage with Anja Beran
Sale The New Method of Dressing Horses by William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle - Collector's Edition
Sale The de Nemethy Method: A training seminar by Bertalan de Nemethy - 8 DVD set
French Equitation: A Baucherist in America 1922 & Hand-book for Horsewomen by Henry de Bussigny
Classic Show Jumping: The de Nemethy Method by Bertalan de Nemethy
Sale The Art of Riding: Classical Dressage up to High School, Odin at Saumur by Philippe Karl
The Elements of Dressage: a Guide for Training the Young Horse by von Ziegner
Academic Art of Riding: A Riding Method for the Ambitious Leisure Rider by Bent Branderup
Seat, Gaits, and Reactions & The Evolution of the Position of the Rider through the Ages by Captain de Sevy
Piaffe and Passage & Spanish Riding School (2 books in one) by Decarpentry
Sale The 'Triple Crown' Bundle: Pluvinel - Eisenberg - Newcastle - all in brand new collector's edition hardback editions
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