The Pure Teachings of Classical Horsemanship by Egon von Neindorff translated by Melissa Simms
A key publication for anyone interested in classical dressage and the natural training of horses.
Egon von Neindorff was one of our last Riding Masters. Although he was laid to rest on May 19, 2004 his influence will live on forever.
He dedicated his entire life to a calling that he referred to as his destiny, which was to remain true to the principles of classical horsemanship and impact as many people as possible with its teachings. He did not see himself as a reformer but only as an interperter. However, because he comprehended the essence and entire meaning of the art of classical riding he could deliver his knowledge in a manner that influenced classical horsemanship and the equestrian techniques of uncountable students throughout Germany and the entire world. The pure teachings of classical horsemanship as a cultural tradition require an unshakeable genuine love for the horse, understanding, feeling, humility and intelligence.
Egon von Neindorff considered six-year-old horses to still be developing: “Now the schooling can finally begin!” In our modern dressage sport, candidates of this age are often fully trained Grand Prix horses. This is an accomplishment achieved without the consideration of the horse’s physical or mental development by the rider.
This is the reason why, in the 1950s, Egon von Neindorff as a successful dressage competitor decided to cease competing and devote his energy to the “pure teachings of classical horsemanship.” In his lifetime he was honored for his service by receiving the Federal German Republic’s Distinguished Service Medal as well as the German Riding Cross in Gold.
In this book Egon von Neindorff is the intermediary enabling the reader to understand the basic foundation and requirements necessary for the horse’s naturally oriented gymnastic schooling. With this book Egon von Neindorff has left behind his wisdom as an inheritance that until now was only available for riders in Karlsruhe.
- The purpose of education,
- Riding that uses without misusing the horse,
- A riding horse only matures with time,
- A good seat can be learned,
- The orchestra of the rider's aids,
- The back as conductor,
- From the foal to the remount,
- Work on the lunge line: versatile and irreplaceable,
- On the way to becoming an "older remount", 1
- The prospective saddle horse,
- Balanced means supple,
- Furthering and forming,
- Correct Corners,
- The walk - the most difficult gait,
- The trot - the most important gait,
- The Gallop: the Third Gait,
- Not a secret science: About straightness, direction and flexion,
- Never sideward without forwards,
- The shoulder-in and its preparation,
- Renvers, travers, and half-pass,
- Characterized by forward impulsion,
- Forwards also when moving backward with purpose and moderation,
- Only for experts and connoisseurs: The double bridle is a finely honed instrument,
- The naturally oriented school canter,
- Free from Constraint,
- The goal and foundation,
- The Cadenced Swinging Step,
- From the airs above the ground to the lessons of classical horsemanship,
- With driving lines and leading reins,
- The schooling "in-hand," established, improved, refined
About Melissa Simms.
322 PAGES,
size 8 1/2" X 11"
Hardback, color ISBN: 9781948717618
Softcover, black and white ISBN: 9781948717663