A Sunday Horse: Inside the Grand Prix Show Jumping Circuit by Vicky Moon - gently used
In the "Best in Show" tradition, tales of the horses and personalities, the riders and trainers, owners and judges, the big names and big money that make up the national horse show circuit
14,580,000 Americans over 12 ride horses regularly
88 million Americans attended sanctioned horse-related events last year
70,000 members of the American Horse Shows Association
Everyone is looking for that somewhat elusive special mount that will bring them fame and fortune in the Grand Prix ring - a horse for Sunday afternoon, a horse that can be found at the bargain rate of $1500 or more than $1 million. Following the US national horse show and Grand Prix jumping circuit, Vicky Moon starts in Palm Beach with the Wellington Winter Equestrian Festival, moves on to Americas oldest shows in Upperville, Virginia, and Devon, Pennsylvania, then to the Indio Circuit in California, to Long Island for the classy Hampton Classic, down to the prestigious Washington Horse Show, and finishing at the National Horse Show. Just like "Best in Show," youll meet the riders, trainers, owners, judges, and the personalities such as "The Carrot Man," "The Masseuse," and the other fascinating characters who follow the horse show circuit. Big names and big money are all part of this intriguing world.