Passover, a super-natural thriller by Aphrodite Anagnost and Robert Arthur
There’s something horrifically dark and biblical about the murders, occurring house by house and involving first-born sons. Only the Sheltons dare remain in the village of Zebulon, Virginia, on the night of Passover, with only the county’s small sheriff’s department to protect them from a baffling evil stirred up by the holocaust of another era. Proceeded by a re-emergence of the biblical plagues that beset Egypt, a tormented and pain-wracked ghost storms the bloodied windows and doors of the Shelton’s huge home with Death Angel fury. Characters fall, one by one, scarecrows from the fields become automatons whose fingers spout flame. Cats die and re-animate. The Sheltons have resources: intelligence, a dedicated sheriff, a grandmother’s wisdom and revelations about the supernatural, but can the family learn to work together by nightfall? Passover is a beautifully written modern novel in real time, covering the day and early evening. It is not only a supernatural thriller; it is also a domestic drama, a study of fear, and a love story featuring an eldest son and a young ghost that will charm. Authors Frances Williams and Robert P. Arthur convince us that valor and logic can only bring us so far, and faith can bring us home. (Aphrodite Anagnost (aka Frances Williams) & Robert P. Arthur)
About the Authors
Aphrodite Anagnost, (aka Frances Williams) is a physician and horse trainer. Her first employer was her horse riding teacher; and her second, her parents, who entertained Vegas acts in their barn-turned-restaurant next to the once-famous Warwick Musical Theatre. Currently a creative writing student in the MFA program at Wilkes University, she began her studies as an actress, then switched to medicine. She became a family doctor, medical bariatrician, hospice director, and local medical examiner. While living in San Francisco, she starred in the local cable TV serial, THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF CHICKIE DARLIN’. She is the copy editor for XENOPHON PRESS, dedicated to the preservation of classical riding. She won an Alice Braganza award for nonfiction for THE RITUAL BATH, a poetry slam for RESURRECTION DAY, and is now a semifinalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest for her first novel, MEMOIR OF A DEATH ANGEL, for which she won a VCCA fellowship.
Visit the Author's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/aphroditeanagnost/?fref=ts
Robert P. Arthur has published more than twenty books with small and/or no longer existing presses, including fiction, poetry, and plays, and won awards in all three genres. He is a Creative Writing professor in low residency at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania with over 1000 publications in newspapers and magazines. He was a finalist for Poet Laureate of Virginia in 2008 and 2010 and is currently an Executive Director of the poetry society of Virginia.
Visit Robert's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/robert.arthur.3760?fref=ts
Visit the book's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/passoverbook/?fref=ts
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