Training and Retraining Horses the Tellington Way: Starting Right or Starting Over with Enlightened Methods and Hands-On Techniques
Xenophon Press
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Training the Dressage Horse 1: Preparing for Advanced Class (S) Ingrid Klimke DVD - 85mins
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Training the Horse in Hand: The Classical Iberian Principles by Alfons J. Dietz Gently GENTLY USED copy-out of print
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Training with Nuno Oliveira - "The Basics" and "Advanced Work" - 2 DVD set
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Truth in the Teaching of Master Nuno Oliveira by Eleanor Russell
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Tug of War: Classical versus Modern Dressage - Why Classical Training Works and How Incorrect Modern Riding Negatively Affects Horses' Health by Dr. Gerd Heuschmann
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Unrelenting: My Pursuit of Excellence by George Morris
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US Cavalry Training Films - 3 DVD set - 2 hours 23 minutes
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When Two Spines Align: Dressage Dynamics by Beth Baumert
Workbooks from the Spanish School by Charles Harris
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Yoga for Riders Principles and Postures to Improve Your Horsemanship by Cathy Woods
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